Prevention Tips
To prevent a Camden County silverfish infestation, repair areas inside your home that may be the cause of excessive moisture, such as leaky faucets. Silverfish thrive in humid environments.
A dehumidifier can be used to reduce moisture in the air, and consequently lower the chances of silverfish survival. You can also ventilate attics, basements, and other close-off rooms to reduce humidity. Taking measures to remove standing water in your garden is another option.
Place easily accessible food sources, such as cereal and pet food, in tightly sealed containers. Silverfish feed on a diverse list of foods, including paper, dead insects, cotton, glue, and even synthetic fibers.
Declutter your rooms, bathrooms, and other parts of your homes, especially storerooms and attics. Books attract them because of the glue that binds the pages. Bookworms are advised to store their books in an inaccessible part of their home.
Silverfish also inhabit outdoor environments like stones, leaf litters, bird nests and water puddles. Remove, or at the very least reduce harborage around your home.
Seal any cracks or crevices with 100% inorganic caulk and ensure that your windows properly close, leaving no room for small insects to penetrate through. Contact us today for silverfish pest control in Camden County.