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Winter Pests Feb. 13th 2013

Top 5 Common Bugs That Come Out in the Winter Just because it's winter time, don't think for a moment that pest control services aren't needed to keep your home pest-free. Many pests don't like the cold weather, which means they'll do almost anything to reach the safe confines of your heated residence. That's why you'll need pest control services to combat the winter pests.


Top 5 Common Bugs That Come Out in the Winter

Just because it's winter time, don't think for a moment that pest control services aren't needed to keep your home pest-free. Many pests don't like the cold weather, which means they'll do almost anything to reach the safe confines of your heated residence. That's why you'll need pest control services to combat the winter pests.

winter in New York

It sure would be nice to spend the entire winter snuggled under a blanket watching reruns of It's a Wonderful Life and Seinfeld. In fact, all of those pests outside clamoring to get inside your home would probably enjoy that as well, since your house would become an easy target.

#1. Bed Bugs

As everyone probably knows by now, bed bugs love to sneak into bed with you and suck your blood. What you might not know, however, is that a bed bug can typically go nearly a year without feeding. Therefore, winter is the perfect downtime. They can safely live within your warm walls, waiting until the overall weather has warmed up so that they can strike. Even though you may not be experiencing bites during the winter, it's a good idea to either hire a professional to inspect for them or conduct an investigation yourself. bed bug on carpet Bed Bug

"Winter is the perfect downtime. They can safely live within your warm walls, waiting until the overall weather has warmed up so that they can strike."

Rest Easy Pest Control

#2. Rodents

Mice and rats will probably be your biggest problems, but if you have an attic, then you may want to be aware of squirrels as well. The smaller the rodent, though, the easier it will be for them to get inside your home. Rodents can contaminate your food, carry diseases, and even cause a fire hazard as they chew through your electrical wiring. For example, you may have never considered the possibility that a mouse might find its way into your car's engine, but it happens more often than you'd think.

In an attempt to stay warm, a mouse will sometimes crawl up inside your engine. Once there, it may chew through the wires to build a nest. While the critter may not live to tell the tale, you can be left with a hefty bill for repairs.

If you've been finding feces on the floor, tiny footprints in the dust, or teeth marks on your food packages, now might be the time to call an exterminator and get the problem taken care of.

"Rodents may chew through your car's engine wires to build a nest. While the critter may not live to tell the tale, you can be left with a hefty bill for repairs."

Rest Easy Pest Control

#3. Cockroaches

Only an entomologist or bug-nut can genuinely appreciate how amazing these critters are, evidenced by their ability to survive for billions of years. For most of us, though, cockroaches are those disgusting things that might run out from under a box in our closet or skitter across our kitchen when we switch on a light in the middle of the night. They really don't care that it's winter. They've survived through much worse. There are ways to prevent cockroaches yourself, of course. You can set traps, seal any gaps or cracks that allow them to get inside, take out your trash on a regular basis, and -- if it's bad enough -- spray insecticide around your home. cockroaches on white background Roaches

"Roaches really don't care that it is winter. They've survived through much worse."

Rest Easy Pest Control

#4. Termites

These pests might be considered house cancer. That's how bad things can get if you have an infestation. A colony typically numbers in the tens of thousands, if not a lot more. While termites are actually slow eaters -- meaning that their discovery isn't an immediate reason to panic -- the damage they can cause to your home can be quite costly, especially if they've been around for a few years without being noticed. Due to their colony size, residential pest control is the only way to get rid of them. Doing it yourself is usually not an option. termite on the soil Termite

"While termites are actually slow eaters, the damage they can cause to your home can be quite costly."

Rest Easy Pest Control

#5. Spiders

The winter months are a fine time for a spider to set up shop and start laying its eggs. That way, when spring arrives and the hundreds or thousands of babies are ready to hatch, food will be easier to find. During your insect inspection, also be on the lookout for any webs or eggs. If any are found, dispose of them immediately. If not, you might be surprised to wake up one morning and discover that you have a full-blown infestation on your hands, one that could easily have been avoided.

"The winter months are a fine time for a spider to set up shop and start laying its eggs."

Rest Easy Pest Control

Why You Should Get Winter Pest Control Services

When it comes to pest control, the winter months often seem to get overlooked. This is why you should get a winter pest inspection. Maybe that's because we're more accustomed to the trials and tribulations of insect infestations that can occur during the warmer months, from ants in your kitchen to mosquitoes buzzing around your backyard barbecue. However, insect inspection and necessary pest control should still be done during the cold season, and in case you need any convincing, consider these facts:
  • Pests don't only live outside
There are some pests that use your house as a hideout during the winter, to take advantage of its warmth. If they can fit inside a good hiding spot, whether it's in your walls, basement, attic, or elsewhere, they will stay there as long as you will let them.
  • Some pests forage for food all year long
While some pests are known to hibernate or remain inactive during the winter months, others are all work and no sleep. This constant searching for food means that an insect inspection will be in order, even in the colder time of the year. Many homeowners begin to be lax during this time, and that's when the seeds of an infestation are often planted.
  • They are destructive pests
On top of an insect inspection, it's important that you keep your eyes and ears out for rodents. Rats, mice, and squirrels can be quite destructive, and this is especially true when they're trying to find a place to stay warm. If you think you might have a full-blown infestation, however, professional pest control services are your best course of action.
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