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Wasps Nest Removal Jul. 25th 2018

Where Do Wasps Build Their Nest? (And How To Remove A Wasps Nest) They can be a real nuisance if they somehow build a wasps nest in or around your home. Due to their potential to sting and injure people, if you have kids or pets at home, then it's better to keep the wasps away from your place.

Wasps Nest

Where Do Wasps Build Their Nest?

(And How To Remove A Wasps Nest)

They can be a real nuisance if they somehow build a wasps nest in or around your home. Due to their potential to sting and injure people, if you have kids or pets at home, then it's better to keep the wasps away from your place.

wasps in their nest Spring and summer are pest seasons, and they are highly active in this season as compared to winter and summer. Among those pests who cherish this time of the year are wasps. These insects belong to the order Hymenoptera and are neither ants nor bees yet possess properties from both of them. Wasps are invaluable for the ecosystem as they play a major role in natural pest control, and are ideal pollinators. But despite their service for Mother Nature, they can be a real nuisance if they somehow build a wasps nest in or around your home. Due to their potential to sting and injure people, if you have kids or pets at home, then it's better to keep the wasps away from your place. Hire a bee removal expert to make sure your problem is eliminated safely.

Where Do Wasps Build Their Nest?

Wasps build fantastic nests which can undoubtedly be categorized as structural masterpieces. Even though their size can vary with the species, generally wasp nests are greyish or straw colored. These nests are round in shape, mostly they resemble an umbrella which is attached with a single stalk to the nearby horizontal surface.


Wasps always build their nests in protected locations. They can build either ground or aerial nests.


Aerial nests are often seen hanging from the following:
  • trees
  • shrubs
  • hedgerows
  • fruit bushes
But wasp nests are not limited to the outdoors or gardens; they can make their way into your home too. In homes wasp nests are often found in the following places:
  • hanging from the attics
  • hanging at the window corners
  • porch ceiling
  • garage
  • underside of decks
  • inside house reels or grills
Wasps nests are not limited to these places; you can locate them in the most unexpected places in your home. They can even build their nest in your house's chimney, in the compost heap, in the hollow logs, wheel wells, and engine compartments of old, unused vehicles. Basically, they prefer to build nests in the places which aren't easily accessible and provide them shelter from outside conditions and predators.

Knock the Nest

Despite the fact that wasps are beneficial for nature, their presence is never a pleasant site. It's better to get rid of their nests to avoid the allergic reaction or any painful interaction with them. Knowing some common wasp nest facts is beneficial when trying to remove one.

Watch Video: 5 Quick Ways to Remove A Wasp Nest   You can effectively remove wasps' nests in the following ways:
  • Waspinator - it looks like a wasp's nest and deters them from building nests there because wasps are territorial insects and avoid building nests at other wasps' places.
  • Soap and water solution - spray a solution made up of dishwashing soap and water. This clogs their breathing spores and kills them instantly. This solution works faster than insecticides.
  • Smoke - use smoke to force the wasps to evacuate. The smoke from a small fire under the hanging nests will suffocate them and force them to leave. Put out the fire after, and with the help of a stick knock down the empty nest.
  • Repelling Plants - There are plants which work as natural deterrents for wasps; for example, spearmint, eucalyptus, wormwood, and thyme citronella. Grow them to keep the pests away.
  • Insecticidal Dust - For ground nests, this is very effective, get the one available in the market. Dust the insecticide on the nest at the night (because wasps are less active at night) and leave. Wasps when will pass through the dust, it will contaminate their legs and wings and they'll transfer the toxic chemical to other wasps when they'll visit them and eventually kill them all.


Related Article: How to Know the Difference between Bees, Wasps, and Hornets


Removing a wasps nest is a tricky task; always keep on the protective gear, gloves, high boots and masks while dealing with them. And if you have an allergic reaction towards wasp stings then it's better to take help from professional exterminators.*** Related Articles:  

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