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Surprising Places Bed Bugs Hide Jun. 28th 2013

Surprising Places Bed Bugs Hide

taxi cabs

Surprising Places Bed Bugs Hide

(Apart from Your Beds and Couches)

When people start talking about the dangers of a bed bug search and where they might hide, most only consider types of furniture like couches and beds. As their name clearly implies, these blood-loving parasites often take residence in your bed, but that's not the only place you can find them. The thing you need to realize about these evil little parasites is that they'll squeeze into any area they can, as long as it is dark and cozy. And since they're so small, there are few places they can't get into. Here's a quick list of some strange places where bed bugs have been found:
  • Taxi cabs

    The last thing you want is to find bed bugs in a taxi when you're coming home from the airport after a long trip or need a ride somewhere in a pinch. New York is full of taxis, which makes the area more susceptible than most. For many people, avoiding taxis can be almost impossible. So just be sure to perform a quick bed bugs search in the seat and alert your driver if you see any problems.
yellow cabs in New York City streets
  • Movie theaters

    The seat of a movie theater can sometimes be occupied by a hundred different people or more each week. This can quickly open up each theater to a bed bug infestation. The good news is that a bed bugs search is typically conducted on a regular basis by a professional in these types of places.
movie theatre
  • Keyboards

    As these words are being typed, we're definitely checking for bed bugs right now. Although some keyboards may be too slim to harbor the little critters, many are not. Bed bugs can sometimes slip through the cracks of the keys -- especially when they're in their initial stages of development -- and then come out when you least expect them.
  • Seams of your clothing

    If you didn't think bed bugs were disgusting before, maybe you'll really understand how important it is to get rid of them when you find out they can hide in the seams of your shirts, pants, etc. Imagine walking around all day with a few bed bugs tucked under your belt. This is why it's necessary to conduct a bed bugs search on your clothing periodically if you believe your home may have a problem.
  • Light switches

    A lot of light switches found in the average home have a small gap between the wall and the panel itself. Unfortunately, these slits are big enough for a bed bug to slip through. Or perhaps they sneak in from the wall behind them. Light switches can make a great hiding spot, and if one crawls out when you're switching a light on or off, you won't soon forget about it.
  • Cracks and crevices

    This is a more general description of where to locate bed bugs. The trick is to realize that these little critters will hide in any crack or crevice in your house they can find. The insects are quite small, which means they can easily squeeze into the recesses found throughout your home. This is why locating them, and especially getting rid of them, can be quite difficult.
  • Inside your walls

    A very common place to find the aforementioned cracks and crevices is within your walls. Over time, small gaps develop from age or general damage, providing bed bugs with an easy way to get inside. Once there, they take up residence and only leave when they're on the hunt for your blood. Plus, during the winter, your walls are an ideal location for the bed bugs to avoid the cold weather outside. And since they can often live up to a year without feeding, a bed bug might call your wall home for quite a while.
clothing store
  • Clothing stores

    In general, bed bugs can make their way into nearly any type of store, but clothing stores seem to be more vulnerable. Well-known stores have been forced to temporarily close their doors to get rid of the pests. Some people believe that this is more common in places where used clothes are shipped in because they might not have been thoroughly checked before being sent.
If you're experiencing a problem with bed bugs, Rest Easy Pest Control has professional bed bug exterminators on call. Get in touch with us today to make your problem disappear. Related Articles:

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