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Natural Ant Deterrents Jun. 25th 2018

Natural Ant Deterrents: 5 Simple, Powerful Natural Remedies to Kill Ants These natural, eco-friendly and safe ant killers are as much effective in eradicating ants from your place as any other insecticide will be. Check out the simple, easy and effective natural ant deterrent.


Natural Ant Deterrents: 5 Simple, Powerful Natural Remedies to Kill Ants

These natural, eco-friendly and safe ant killers are as much effective in eradicating ants from your place as any other insecticide will be. Check out the simple, easy and effective natural ant deterrent.

ants on leaves Ants invade your house now and then, and they never come alone, there's a whole ants' colony accompanying them. They aren't much trouble until they start making their way into your kitchen cabinets and kitchen countertops; then it's the high time to get rid of them. And it's exactly from that very kitchen where you can pick ingredients from and make DIY ant killers. These natural, eco-friendly and safe ant killers are as much effective in eradicating ants from your place as any other insecticide will be. Check out the simple, easy and effective ant killer recipes:

How to Repel Ants: DIY Ant Killer Sprays

  • Vinegar and Water Solution

This is the simplest spray solution to kill ants in your premises. Simply put water and white vinegar in 1:1 ratio in the spritzer bottle and spray it wherever you spot an ant. It's the safest solution which can even be used around kids and pets. You can also spray vinegar near food items, on countertops, and on the cracks, let it dry and it will help in removing the chemical trail of the ants and will prevent other ants finding their way to your food.
  • Dish Soap and Water

The cheapest and effective solution you can make is from dish soap and water. There is no ideal ratio for this mixture. You can make a 50/50 solution or as much as you desire ad spray it on the ants or pour it on their nests or hideouts (if you locate them). Wipe off the carnage with a mop or paper towel.
  • Essential Oils

Essential oils though are pleasing for us, but ants find them repelling. They can effectively be used against tough ant species. Efficient essential oils against ants are:
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Clove essential oil
Mix around 40 drops of any of these essential oils in 1 cup water and vinegar solution (as mentioned above) and spray it directly on the ants, it'll instantly kill them. Moreover, you can also spray this mixture on the sides of doors and windows of your house; this will deter ants from invading your house. dish soap, natural ant deterrents Dish soap


The cheapest and effective solution you can make is from dish soap and water.

Make a 50/50 solution and spray it on the ants or pour it on their nests.

Rest Easy Pest Control


DIY Ant Traps

Above mentioned sprays though are useful but they aren't much practical if you are facing severe ant infestation as you can't run after every other ant to spray on it and kill it. For them, ant traps are best to get rid of them as you've to put them once and then relax.
  • Boric Acid

Boric acid is a natural ant killer that isn't toxic for humans but effectively gets rid of ants. Make a boric acid trap in water and sugar, this bait will lure ants and in return intoxicate them and kill them. To make this trap mix 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of Borax in a disposable container with a lid. Then poke holes in the lid to let the ants in. To lure the ants towards the container, sprinkle plain sugar outside the container and on the lid. Place the container on the path of the ants. Once ants get into the container, they'll either get killed by the poisonous boric acid or those which survived will take the toxic bait back to their colony and will intoxicate the remaining members. This will work in eliminating entire ants' colony. boric acid crystal in a bowl, natural ant deterrents Boric Acid Crystals


Boric acid is a natural ant killer that isn't toxic for humans. Make a boric acid trap in water and sugar,

this bait will lure ants in, and in return intoxicate them.

Rest Easy Pest Control


  • Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

It's another natural ant remedy, which is best against carpenter ants. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is lethal dust which is made up of skeletal remains of algae like plants. This natural and organic ant killer has microscopic razor sharp edges which work by cutting the bodies of the insects from the inside; after they ingest it, it dries out their body and ultimately killing them. Sprinkle DE at the entry points of ants and around the outskirts of your house. You can also directly inject DE in the carpenter ants' colony or nest to eradicate them from your premises. Pick a food grade DE from the market as its safe to use around pets and kids. Pick the one remedy which you find easiest to execute and which will also solve your ant problem in the most efficient manner.***
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