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Fascinating Facts About Silverfish May. 29th 2018

How Did Silverfish Come to My House? Fascinating Facts About Silverfish Possibly you've once bumped on tiny wingless insects with teardrop-shaped bodies at your basement; they might have been silverfish. The color of these insects ranges from shiny white to shiny brown-grey while some can vary from bluish to silver.


How Did Silverfish Come to My House?

Fascinating Facts About Silverfish

Possibly you've once bumped on tiny wingless insects with teardrop-shaped bodies at your basement; they might have been silverfish. The color of these insects ranges from shiny white to shiny brown-grey while some can vary from bluish to silver.

a silverfish on the floor Silverfish by Joseph Berger, The length of an adult silverfish ranged from 12 centimeters to 19 centimeters. At a closer look at a silverfish, you'll also notice that it has three elongated bristles on its rear. It is suggested that silverfish are among the world's oldest insects. In fact, they are thought to have been in existence for the last 400 million years.  

Silverfish Habitats

Silverfish can survive in nearly any climatic condition but they mostly prefer damp and dark places such as in your bathroom, shed, garage, kitchen, attic or basement. Moist areas with a relative humidity ranging from 75% and 95% are the best for the survival and the reproduction of these insects. You'll most likely find these insects hiding beneath or inside papers or damp clothes in these places.  

Silverfish Behaviors

Before mating, silverfish perform love dances after which males lay spermatophores which are deposited into the females' ovipositor specimens. Depending on its species, a female silverfish can lay one egg or a cluster of them (from 2 to 20) at a go. If you have silverfish in your home, you'll realize that they are most visible at night since this is the time they are active the most. They are quite different from other insects in that they shed their skins during their entire adult lives.  


"Silverfish can survive in nearly any climatic condition but they mostly prefer damp and dark places such as in your bathroom, shed, garage, kitchen, attic or basement."

Rest Easy Pest Control


What Do Silverfish Feed on?

Silverfish eat cellulose, linen, dead insects and carbohydrates especially sugars as well as starches. Book glue, fallen human hair, insulation and shampoos are also foods for silverfish. Due to their eating habit, silverfish can cause significant damage to your clothing, stored files, and books. Therefore, you shouldn't entertain them at your place, whether it is a commercial area or home.  

Can Silverfish Harm People?

Silverfish have a somehow scaring appearance, and this can make you think that they can harm you. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about possible harm to your body by these insects as they neither bite nor are they poisonous. Besides, no scientific evidence links these insects with the spread of any disease-causing pathogens. However, due to their shedding of skins during their adult lives, silverfish can trigger allergies in some people through the dust formed by their dropped exoskeletons.  


"You don't have to worry about possible harm to your body by these insects as they neither bite nor are they poisonous."

Rest Easy Pest Control


How Did Silverfish Come to My Place?

Perhaps you are wondering how these annoying insects came to your place. Well, it could be that you transported them indoors unintentionally when you brought in cardboard boxes or plastic containers that were from a place with a silverfish infestation. Or maybe the insects came to the place because of the presence of conditions that favor their survival and reproduction.   silverfish crawling Uncovered dirty dishes and warmth, as well as moisture in areas with minimal human activities such as basements and crawl spaces, are the major conditions that attract silverfish infestations.   The pests enter buildings through gaps around doors, broken screens and foundation cracks, among other voids.

Silverfish Prevention Tips

The most effective silverfish prevention approach is the elimination of all the conditions that may attract these pests to your place. The prevention tips include: 1. Store dry goods such as cereals, beans, and grains in airtight containers 2. You might also want to regularly vacuum your carpets and do regular moisture removal in damp areas using dehumidifiers 3. Line unfinished basements with plastic sheeting 4. Proper installation of ridge vents in roofs 5. Seal of all open spaces in your building, especially in your external walls  

Get Professional Help

Successful control is not an easy task, especially in areas that are highly vulnerable to moisture such as homes with wooden shingle roofs. If you have a silverfish or any pest problem that you feel is beyond your control, then the best option is to seek help from a reputable Long Island pest control professional, preferably from Rest Easy Pest Control.***
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