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Cluster Flies vs House Flies: What's the Difference? Jan. 2nd 2018

Cluster Flies vs House Flies Some of the most common pests in New York are cluster flies. Some people confuse them with house flies, but the fact is they can be distinguished easily.


Cluster Flies vs House Flies

Some of the most common pests in New York are cluster flies. Some people confuse them with house flies, but the fact is they can be distinguished easily.

fly on a green leaf

Cluster Fly (Wikimedia)

House flies are relatively smaller in size as compared to cluster flies, and their wings don't overlap while resting as it is the case with their counterparts.A cluster fly lays eggs on the onset of winter. Mostly this insect lays eggs in the soil where there is adequate moisture. The eggs hatch after three days. The hatched larvae enter into the body cavities o earthworms.  

"Finding out if your home or any other building is infested by cluster flies is pretty easy; you only need to examine if the area surrounding your window has a dead or live swarm of flies. You'll mainly see them on the windows facing the sun as they try to get more warmth."

-Rest Easy Pest Control

  The larvae feed on earthworms for about 22 days. They then molt in pupas where they last for about 11 to 14 days after which they start flying. The full-grown cluster flies feed on flowers. These insects reproduce at a very rapid rate. An adult cluster fly hatches about four generations of cluster flies during winter onset.

How to Identify Cluster Flies Infestation

Finding out if your home or any other building is infested by cluster flies is pretty easy; you only need to examine if the area surrounding your window has a dead or live swarm of flies. You'll mainly see them on the windows facing the sun as they try to get more warmth. Are you wondering how these pests get into your house? Well, they'll take advantage of the openings on your house's wall to get their way into a warmer place to live when the outdoors is too cold to survive in. They inhabit in isolated areas of your house such as attics as well as wall voids. During the sunny days, the temperature in wall spaces rises and the flies tend to move in the direction from which the light is entering the house.

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies

Cluster fly control is most effective when it is done before the pests invade your indoor space. Otherwise, you'll be limited to a few control options once they enter your building. Pesticides sprays are effective in eradicating these pests. If you spot the voids in which the flies are hibernating, you can fumigate them with a pesticide in the form of dust or spray. However, the major challenge lies in locating all the cracks and crevices that can give cluster flies way to your house. If you aren't experienced in this field, it is most likely that you are going to miss lots or these voids.   dead flies on the ground

"They inhabit in isolated areas of your house such as attics as well as wall voids. During the sunny days of winter, the temperature in wall spaces rises and the flies tend to move in the direction from which the light is entering the house."

-Rest Easy Pest Control

  For that reason, the help a professional pest exterminator comes in handy to ensure all their hideouts are located. Nevertheless, when they are sprayed, the pests fall all over the house hence compromising cleanliness of the house. The dead pests can also attract other insects like cockroaches to your home, and that's again another problem. For that reason, Rest Easy Pest Control advocates for a pest-proofing technique for effective control of these pests.

How to Get Rid of Flies When It's BBQ Time

Barbecuing is as American as apple pie. There's no better way to entertain your friends than to grill some meat in the backyard, throw some music on, and have a beer. If you didn't get all the BBQ-ing out of your system this summer, you may want to plan one fast�the cold weather is right around the corner. Besides the people that drone on about themselves and their kids for unpleasant stretches of time, flies are the worst guests you could possibly have at your barbecue. But flies love a good barbecue even more than people do, so here are some tips for keeping them away:
  • Only open the grill lid to check on the food.
  • Flies love food (duh), so keep all the food covered and sealed until it's ready to be used.
  • Keep trash cans sealed, and away from the food. Flies love rotting garbage and can smell it from a mile away. The last thing you need is flies who came for the trash and stayed for the BBQ.
  • Don't have exterior lighting near the seating areas. Everyone knows how insects like to swarm around lights at night, so keep the lighting away from where people are sitting.
  • Clean up animal droppings from your yard. We hope you did this for your guests' sake anyway, but animal dung will attract flies like nothing else.
  • Cover birdbaths and pools. Flies love water. Also, don't water your lawn on the day of the barbecue�the moist grass will make flies more likely to show up.
  • Keep a fan blowing into the grill. It may sound counter-intuitive (because it will cause the smell to travel), but flies don't like flying into a gust of air, so this will help keep them away from the grill.

Call Rest Easy Pest Control!

Contact Rest Easy Pest Control if you want to keep your NYC or Long Island home or commercial area free from cluster flies and house flies. We are going to come up with the most effective plan based on the best timing to deny these pests any entrance into your home. We'll also free your indoor space from the nuisance if an infestation has already occurred. If someone tells you, " I have seen cluster flies in my house, and that worries me, " then direct them to the best cluster flies exterminator Long Island, and that's none other than Rest Easy Pest Control.
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