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Bugs on Furniture: 4 Common Household Bugs that Are Hiding on Your Couches Jun. 11th 2013

4 Common Household Bugs that Are Hiding on Couches and Furniture No matter where you live or how you live, household bugs are going to be a part of your life. One of the biggest problems is the fact that insects can be almost anywhere, including your couches and furniture.

bed bugs

4 Common Household Bugs that Are Hiding on Couches and Furniture

No matter where you live or how you live, household bugs are going to be a part of your life. One of the biggest problems is the fact that insects can be almost anywhere, including your couches and furniture.

living room It seems that a homeowner's work is never done. If it's not a leaky faucet or broken fence, it's an infestation of couch house bugs. Insects love to get into your home and invade your space. Some are lurking for shelter, others are looking for food. Your house a lot of places where a bug might call home. There's your garage, basement, cupboards, walls, couch. Yes, your couch. Perhaps you don't want to think about it, but the unfortunate truth is that certain bugs can infest that coveted piece of furniture that you use to watch television and take naps. Due to this possibility, let's take a look at a few household bugs that you might find on your couches:

#1. Bed Bugs

Out of all the household bugs that might take refuge in your furniture, bed bugs are, by far, the worst ones. These little parasites need blood to grow, and you're their target. Although they are visible to the naked eye, bed bugs are quite small and can squeeze into very tight areas. The folds on your couch also allow for easy access. Your furniture is the perfect spot for these insects to hide, and you may not even know they're inside until you have a full-blown bed bug infestation. If you wake up with red spots on your skin, it's a good idea to test for bed bugs. A bed bug infestation is something that no homeowner ever wants to deal with. Also, it has been shown that selling and buying used furniture can help spread bed bugs. Bed Bug in a Bag Although they are visible to the naked eye, bed bugs are quite small and can squeeze into very tight areas. The folds on your couch also allow for easy access.

#2. Carpet Beetles

There's a good chance that you've seen a carpet beetle without knowing what it actually was. In some ways, they are a slightly nondescript creature, especially compared to other common household bugs. Carpet beetles are rather small, although they are typically the biggest of the three insects we've discussed here. They are often black, which can make them hard to see at night, but there are different varieties of carpet beetles, so the ones in your home may be a mottled white and brown color, as well.

#3. Dust Mites

This is another insect that homeowners can sometimes find both in and on their couch. The big problem with dust mites is that they're microscopic, so you have no chance at seeing them. Dust mites are commonly found in your air and on many surfaces around your home. If you breathe them in, they can cause respiratory issues, especially if you suffer from allergies or asthma. To find out the severity of dust mites, you can pick up a test kit at your local pest control supplier. The good news is that dust mites do not bite and getting rid of them typically comes down to simply vacuuming and washing your couch on a regular basis.


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#4. Fleas

Many people don't give fleas too much thought. They see them as a threat to dogs, not to humans. However, fleas can also get onto humans almost as quickly. They do so usually by jumping. Fleas are incredible jumpers, in addition to being very tiny, which makes them hard to spot sometimes. If you have dogs, the likelihood of fleas getting into your furniture can be pretty high if you haven't taken the proper precautions to protect your four-footed friend. But even if you don't have any pets in your home, the threat of fleas hiding in your furniture is still possible. Fleas do bite and move around a lot. Just like dust mites, they can typically be taken care of by cleaning your couch on a regular basis. In some situations, however, you might need to get a chemical treatment to help with the cleaning. carpet beetles on carpet Carpet Beetle Infestation

"Certain bugs can infest that coveted piece of furniture that you use to watch television and take naps."

-Rest Easy Pest Control

Second Hand Furniture & Bugs Problems

We're all looking for ways to save money in our lives. One way that we do this is by searching for any deals or discounts that we can find. This is especially true in today's economy when homeowners, apartment renters, and dorm dwellers are trying to save a buck whenever possible. Furniture is one of the most popular items to buy used. After all, brand new furniture can be quite expensive. Picking up a used couch or bed can save you hundreds, maybe even thousands, freeing up your money to spend elsewhere or simply keep in the bank. But when you're searching for used furniture, remember these two words: Buyer Beware. Why? Because used furniture could have bed bugs problems, and that could spell real trouble for you and your family.

The Harsh Reality of Used Furniture

Whenever you buy something used, no matter what it is, you take a certain amount of risk. Is the seller forthcoming about any problems? Are they selling the item so cheap because they're desperate to get rid of it and then disappear before you figure it out? The truth is, you don't know for sure. Of course, many sales of furniture will be legitimate, but even those may hold unknown bed bugs problems. That's the real issue when purchasing used furniture, isn't it? The last thing you want is to buy a new couch or chair or bed, only to realize days or weeks later that the piece of furniture had bed bugs and now the little parasites are spreading throughout your home. couches Used furniture could have bed bugs problems, and that could spell real trouble for you and your family.

Your Choices When It Comes to Used Furniture

The best solution is to be forthcoming in your apprehension. Let the owner know that bed bugs are a concern and discuss whether or not they've had any bed bugs (or other house bugs) in their home. Some homeowners may be forthcoming, but it's important to realize that some may not. They may even be downright embarrassed by any bed bugs problems they've had. Since there's no way to know for sure, inspect the furniture yourself. Start with a visual inspection beneath any cushions, under the furniture itself, and around the edges. If nothing is found, use a latex glove to feel between any spaces in the furniture. If you have black spots on the gloves, this is most likely bed bug feces.***   Related Articles:

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